PM AJK calls on Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani

Islamabad: Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan called on Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani here on Thursday.

During the meeting, the duo discussed in detail the issues of mutual concern and the prevailing political and human rights situation in the Indian-occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

Speaking on the occasion, the PM, while referring to the unprecedented sacrifices rendered by the Kashmiris during the ongoing liberation movement, said that the Kashmiris’ struggle was full of sacrifices.

“The Kashmiri people have made tremendous sacrifices to achieve their cherished goal of freedom from India”, the PM said, adding that India has unleashed a reign of terror in occupied Kashmir.

He, however, maintained that India has miserably failed to suppress the Kashmiris’ struggle and their undying spirit and passion for the freedom of their motherland.

The PM expressed optimism that the day was not far away when Kashmiris would attain their goal.

The PM also thanked the government and people of Pakistan for their all-out support to Kashmir cause.

Terming accession to Pakistan as the ultimate objective of the Kashmiris’ ongoing struggle, he said the people of Kashmir were actually fighting the war of Pakistan. 

He also thanked the Senate Chairman for the passage of a unanimous resolution in support and solidarity of Kashmiris in a joint session of parliament. 

The Prime Minister congratulated Chairman Senate on the Golden Jubilee.

  On this occasion, the Senate Chairman, while paying tribute to the Kashmiri martyrs, said that Pakistan would continue the political, moral and diplomatic support of Kashmiris.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan’s address to the Golden Jubilee ceremony of the Senate was widely welcomed by the netizens, saying that the PM’s speech was a true reflection of the Kashmiris’ aspirations.

 It may be recalled here that the PM highlighted the heroic struggle and sacrifices rendered by the people of the Indian-occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

 The Prime Minister also spoke about the Kashmiris’ unconditional love for the state of Pakistan.

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